Associate Professor, Accounting Department, Miami Herbert Business School
After a decade as a faculty member at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Dr. Maffett joined Miami Herbert Business School in July 2022 as a tenured professor. In addition to teaching and research, he leads and coordinates the accounting PhD program. A licensed (inactive) Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Dr. Maffett earned his PhD in accounting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to this, he earned a Master of Arts in Humanities from the University of Chicago and a Master of Science in accounting as well as a Bachelor of Science in analytical finance from Wake Forest University.
Dr. Maffett is an associate editor at the Journal of Accounting Research and is on the editorial board at the Journal of Accounting and Economics and the Accounting Review—the top three journals in the field. He also has industry experience, including working at a health care-focused investment banking firm and at a mid-tier accounting firm (in auditing, assurance, and financial accounting). Much of Dr. Maffett’s research focuses on the real effects of international financial reporting and disclosure regulation, including accounting standards, securities regulations, and auditing regulations. He has studied their effects on everything from mine safety and foreign corruption to health care prices, with fifteen papers published in journals including The Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, the Review of Accounting Studies, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Management Science, and Foundations and Trends in Accounting.